Four Surname Package

If you want to learn more about your ancestors’ lives, gaining insight about when they were born and where, how many siblings they had, who they were married to, how many children they had, their occupation, how they died and more, then this four surname package is for you. This package focuses on your entire ancestry and examines the life of every direct line ancestor, together with those of their siblings and children, going back to the late eighteenth century / early nineteenth century. Every effort is made to research your direct ancestors back beyond this period wherever possible. However, the success of earlier research depends on the availability of records online for the area your family come from and so cannot be guaranteed.

If you are lucky enough to have photographs of your ancestors or the places they lived, you can provide copies to enhance your report at no extra cost.

This package includes:

A digital research report

Details of sources and search parameters used including those with negative results

Copies of birth, marriage and death certificates for direct ancestors in the surname line chosen, up to a maximum of seventy certificates

Copies of relevant census returns

Copies of all other relevant documents

References and transcriptions for all sources used

Eight charts illustrating the relationships described in the report

A digital download of your family tree to use with the family tree program of your choice

The sources used for this package are:

GRO indexes of births, marriages and deaths

Birth, marriage and death certificates

Church baptismal, marriage and burial records where available

1841-1911 census records

Probate information where available

Newspaper records, immigration records, military records and trade directories will also be consulted for any relevant information

Cost of Four Surname Package £2950

Please note that all Understanding Backwards Genealogical Services Packages assume that GRO birth, marriage and death certificates (if appropriate) are available for your parent or the parent of the starting person in the twentieth century. If they are not then additional research and certificates (at cost from the GRO – currently £11.00 per certificate) could be required.

An optional research report professionally printed on archival quality acid-free paper detailing the findings and presented in a presentation folder is available to UK customers for an extra £50.

How the Four Surname Package Works